It was -26C with a wind chill of -40C.
So I have learned to dress, how shall I say this, intelligently. In fact by the time I'm finished dressing (takes me about 10 minutes) I start to steam up.
Today I had on seven layers: a T shirt, three long sleeved thin layers, a woolen sweater, polyester vest and a winter coat. I wore long johns, jeans and snow pants. Then a thin pair of gloves covered by honking mittens. Then my tuque and coat hood. Oh and my ski goggles. I don't ski. And my old, but still very warm, Sorel boots. And a neck warmer up to my nose.
The ski goggles worked pretty well until I needed to remove them once I turned around to come home. I had to blow my nose and that caused the goggles to condense and freeze up.
Below are my before and after photos.
You may say I look like a moron. I saw maybe. But I'm a warm moron.