Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Funky Monkey bread

Johanna originally gave me this recipe called Funky Monkey Baked oatmeal. It's supposed to be a breakfast meal. The original recipe said to serve it by scooping the oatmeal into a bowl and adding milk. Which sounds gross to me since I don't like mushy cereal, porridge etc. If you like mushy oatmeal or porridge then by all means fill your boots and eat it like that.

Below is my own version of it and I just call it Funky Monkey bread. I've included calorie, fibre and protein counts.

Cream bananas and (drained and rinsed) canned beans with peanut butter, using an immersion blender. Add the remainder of the ingredients and stir. Pour into a greased 9 X 13 inch greased pan. Bake at 350 until a tooth pick comes out clean, about 35-40 minutes. Cool and cut into 10 squares.

You could also add nuts, raisins or whatever you like to this. Obviously any changes you make would affect the nutritional counts.

This recipe is gluten-free.

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